Saturday, July 05, 2008
<< >>$BlogItemTitle$>
12:22 AM
Friday, July 04, 2008
<< counting all the black stars on high >>$BlogItemTitle$>
no more letting myself believe that'this time, it will be different.'*paw prints*
12:53 AM
Monday, June 16, 2008
<< following my internal compass. >>$BlogItemTitle$>
my friend Vaitea from tahiti gave me a tahitian name.Meherio.which means mermaid in tahitian.3 more days.i'm counting down by the seconds.
everyone else taking their finals,
all the best.
*paw prints*
12:55 AM
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
<< on the hundredth pulse. >>$BlogItemTitle$>
i feel like i'm 2 feet tall all over again.i'm staring at the cookie jar at the very top stares back.i pull a stool that helps me reach higher.tip my toes, stretch my arms up as high as my little physique allows me,but to no avail.still 6 inches too short.should i stack another stool and
risk falling down and getting hurt?or should i forgo the cookiesand settle for the loaf of plain white bread
lying on the table that's within my reach?bread will fill me up.but it's no chewy chunky chocolate chip cookie.i think i'll just starve.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------theoretically,it takes all kinds of people to make up the world.theoretically.
yet almost everybody i know are made up of several different dimensionsand not the paper cut-out we perceive them to be.i realize just recently the people i don't get along withare really reflections of my alter-ego i try to hide.maybe i'm scorned because they can get away with acting or being that way.
the risk of 'digging a little deeper'
is finding out the person you predetermined to be
is the exact and total opposite of the exterior.
but then again who am i to tarnish that facade
if that person is really, sincerely, eagerly trying to be the best that they can?
hot potato, hot potato,
chubby bunny, hokey pokey,
jumble fumble,
bump bump bump.
e = mc2.
that's about the same amount of sense i'm making right now.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i can't wait for spring term to be that i don't have to live hour to hour,but moment to's gonna be different.flow with the currents,plan by the tides,and follow the sun.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,gorgeous, talented, fabulous?Actually, who are you not to be?You are a child of God.Your playing small does not serve the world.There is nothing enlightened about shrinkingso that other people won't feel insecure around you.We are all meant to shine, as children do.We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciouslygive other people permission to do the same.As we are liberated from our own fear,our presence automatically liberates others."
- Pres. Arapata Meha.
there.a piece of daily brillianceto compensate for the lack of mine.*paw prints*
4:39 PM
Monday, June 09, 2008
<< i owe you this much. >>$BlogItemTitle$>
It's been too long of a long, that i don't know where to begin.while most of you are munching on your roti canai,accompanied by your milo ice,my butt is still stuck here in hawaii.not that it's anything to complain about.but i do miss home immensely.exactly a week ago,a student in our campus committed suicide.a first in BYUH is indeed a tragedy because he was loved.he had friends. good friends.he even had a girlfriend who prior to his death,seemed happy together.*click*if you wanna learn more about him.he wasn't the typical loner that you would imagine.there are speculations about why he killed himself.but i think whatever happened or went through his mind is now between him and God.i just hope his family is at peace.
i say this, because although BYUH is a church college,it is not perfect.not everyone is doing what they're supposed to,but i am still grateful that i decided to come here.
i am in awe of what all my peers here are capable of doing.
they pretty much run PCC.
the highest paid attraction in all of oahu.
they are wise beyond their age,
always knowing what's right to say.
'seriously just punch him in the face and get some ice cream!'
'humble yourself and go talk to him, you are doing this for yourself'.
having been here i am more susceptible of the Lord's miracles.the sun, sea and can people even doubt that there is a God?
This school is not as prestigious as many other schools in mainland.but it has taught me life long lessons that are even more precious to me.i've been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints since birth.(not at all affiliated to the Fundamental LDS church who's been in the limelight lately.)but in the past i have not been the person i was taught to be.i was self-centered, lazy, arrogant, stubborn at best.i was taught all those things but i did not apply them in my other wards, i have been a big fat hypocrite.
all those wishes for my birthday..i really wonder why i have so many friends to begin with.let alone have close friends whom have done more than i will ever need them to do for me.i don't know but i can honestly say that i am a changed person since i've been here.i have not mastered it but i am trying my very best to put others first ahead of me.i am also learning to be patient and trusting in my heavenly father.
"Cynics do not contribute, skeptics do not create, doubters do not achieve."
coming to hawaii may have been the best thing that's ever happened to me.
people here, in this school particularly, are so encouraging.
back home, i feel like nothing i do is ever good enough.
i'm just this average girl of average height and weight,
who's averagely smart, from an average family,
averagely athletic, who's averagely alright looking...
not that i suddenly feel i'm all that great,but i just feel more appreciated and that i'm worth, instead of trying to beat you down and forcing you into the rat race,you see a reason to stop for a moment to smell the plumeria.
i ask all atheist:if you don't believe in anything then isn't science just horror and phantasm?are you asserting that you are studying to know how life eventually leads to nothing?think about it.i hope all of you know that you all have the capability to change someone's life.if not their life, their week.or their day.
outside my window they sang a birthday song for me.
my first surprise party you don't even know how loved i feel.
i kept getting creamed and wiped it off and getting creamed and wiped it off
so i figured why not get a whip mustache.
rewind to 2 months back.i hooked up with this guy named isaac.everything started out great.our first date was counting shooting stars while we camped out on sunset beach.everything was a fact it was too good to even be a dream.but somewhere in between things started to fall apart.and then last week we broke was hard letting him go.but just yesterday i can see why it's absolutely necessary for us to separate.the relationship may have been a 9.999999.but it wasn't a 10.this was a guy i liked a much that in the short 2 months we made plans to meet parents,discuss how we would manage our finances so that by next year or so we can be married.chick lits and chick flicks teach you that you should not try to change the person that you love.they deceivingly imply that if you have found 'the one',two of you will fit like a glove,happily ever after follows.
the questions you should ask yourself is:
does he do all he can to make you happy?
is he willing to sacrifice for you?
with good reason, will he change the things that you don't like about him?
and are you willing to do the same for him?
a life long relationship will take all the effort and sacrifice you can imagine.
perhaps i was too in love with him,i accepted his flaws as it is.never realizing, until now,that i was keeping him from becoming the man he ought to be,in order to become a loving husband and dad.i too, have to right some past wrongs.if it were not for this break up,i would have thought that is it unnecessary.or that it didn't matter.this past week i have been praying a lot.and i do feel Him lifting me up because it's not loneliness that i's peace.the answer to my prayers is" in separation we will grow"grow apart?spiritually?mentally?emotionally?physically?closer?i do not know.all i know is whatever happened was for the best.i hope he will find a girl that he can love and treat like a princess.he's a great, amazing guy who only deserves the best for'll be a little while more until i scurry off to find one for myself is great as it is right now.the boys who are queuing up for me lines all the way to waikiki.(just kidding)in 6 months of being here,i feel like my wisdom grew 6 years.i really want you guys to see how amazing this place is.and how wonderful the people here are.i love that i've told you how i'm doing,how have YOU been doing?*paw prints*
1:57 PM
Monday, April 28, 2008
<< aloha ai'na - love for the land, and love for the people. >>$BlogItemTitle$>
sorry for the loooooooooong disappearance.i don't know where to start since i last stopped. life's good right now.actually it's perfect.i can't think of anything that i am lacking. (maybe money)and i hope it will only continue to be's a dry update i apologize.we have pictures just not good ones.i'll try harder mk, shuang and sheryl.*paw prints*
6:57 PM
Friday, April 04, 2008
<< sleep think wonder love lust sing. >>$BlogItemTitle$>
everyday, i wake up to this:*paw prints*Labels: =)
11:57 AM
Sunday, March 30, 2008
<< today. >>$BlogItemTitle$>
11:31 PM
Friday, March 28, 2008
<< fun in the sun.(updated) >>$BlogItemTitle$>
8:38 PM